List all previous work history, starting with most recent/current employer, including Military Service
I certify that the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and statement are true and correct without consequential omissions of any kind. I agree that the company shall not be liable in any respect if my employment is terminated because of the falsity of statements, answers or omissions made me in this Application for Employment. I authorize the companies, schools and other references named in this Application to provide information regarding me and to release personal, academic and other records concerning me.
As a condition of employment I agree that my employment with KTH is at will and either I or KTH may terminate my employment at any time, for any reason with or without notice. I understand that I must successfully pass a pre-employment drug test and undergo a post offer employment medical examination.
The use of this application form does not indicate there are positions open and does not in any way obligate the company.